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Welcome to my Reflexology Academy webpage, I am so delighted and excited to be sharing information with regards to my brand new school. I have taken this decision as I feel that the time is right, after over 22 years of practicing reflexology to share this knowledge and experience with you



NRRI Practitioner's Diploma Course in Classical Reflexology

I am a Qualified Holistic Therapist who obtained my Reflexology Diploma in 2001. A Specialist in Fertility and Pregnancy Reflexology, Menopausal Reflexology, Reflexology in Cancer Care and Reflexology for Additional Needs.


I further extended my studies to include Indian Head Massage and am a Reiki Master.

I am a Meditation Teacher, practicing meditation each day, which enhances intuition, in turn benefitting treatments and overall health on every level.


My Diploma will offer you my unique insight into how Reflexology will not just present a very rewarding holistic business opportunity, rich in job satisfaction and wholesome connection with clients. It will help you, family and friends embrace a powerful wellness lifestyle which is so vital in today's very fast paced world.


I give you my own personal experience from a long standing business owner, as well as an intuitive healer, meditation teacher and long time advocate of reflexology and energy healing.


If you would like to learn more about the details of this truly rewarding qualification please do make contact, it is probably the best decision you will make, message me -would love to chat with you



What is involved in Diploma

This is a 14 month course

Involves 1 weekend for the next 12 months

Has a theoretical and practical exam

In depth case studies to ensure comprehensive knowledge of reflexology




Martina Carr, MNRRI, Reiki Master, IEB, MRAI

Principal and Tutor

Reflexology Academy




© 2017 by Martina Carr Holistic Therapist.

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